Monday, January 25, 2010

New feature

Everyone who has been visiting the site and checking for new videos, make sure you sign up on the top left side of the page to receive an email whenever we post a new video. Your email address only goes to us and we will not give your address to anyone.

Hooters 911 hot wing video

Hooters 911 Hot wing trial

Mike: The Hooter's 911 hot wings had good flavor. The wings were not hot at all though, considering these wings were supposed to be hotter than the normal hot wings. I am rating these wings a 3 out of 10 on the heat scale.

Josh: Going into this trial, I imagined that Hooters' hottest wings would be almost unbearable for me. The wings definitely were not as hot as I had expected, although I did struggle a little bit to finish all five. The flavor of the wings was pretty good until we added the extra sauce. I am rating the wings a 4 out of 10 on the heat scale.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Genuine One Drop Blazzin Gourmet All Natural Hot Sauce Video

Genuine One Drop Blazzin Gourmet All Natural Hot Sauce Review

Mike: Genuine One Drop hot sauce has a very sweet unique flavor that peaks off very quickly and seems a little bland in the end. You can eat this sauce with chips like salsa since it isn't very spicy, despite how the label sounds. I am rating this sauce a 4 out of 10 on the heat scale.

Josh: I thought this sauce was very sweet and just a little spicy. Tabasco sauce was worse than this one. I am rating this a 5 out of 10 on the heat scale.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Camera incident

We had the best trial so far. The sauce was hot enough to make my eyes water and caused Josh to throw up. Somehow we lost the video when uploading to our computer and now the camera isn't working. Josh is not looking forward to trying that sauce again!!

We are trying to salvage the video and getting a new camera. I just wanted to let everyone know why there hasn't been any new trial posts in a couple weeks. We should have some new videos up soon!